Friday, February 20, 2015


Today was one of those days... everything was seemingly fine, but I had to remind myself to breathe. Breathe, breathe, just try to get through it. No miracles, just you and your body. Please breathe.
Other random stuff:
1. Somewhere on the net there was a discussion of how do women announce their pregnancies, and it just broke my heart again. Just imagine the innocence of all these people, who assume their two lines would eventually lead to an actual baby. I so wish I still had it.
2. Another friend, whom I haven't seen in a loooong time, turned out to be expecting, due in a month. I must be developing a sixth sense where the pregnancies are concerned: I've seen her husband on a party in the beginning of October, and when I asked about her, he said that she was home sick. His smirk was somewhat incongruous, so I suspected she was not sick as in sick, but sick as in morning sickness sick. And it turns out I was right. Oh well.
3. We are a backup childcare support for another friend in case she has to have her baby earlier. The irony of it.
4. I am just not good in waiting. Now I wait until I recover from surgery completely, get my period, and start peeing on sticks and have baby-dance. Just doing something, anything, to get another chance.
5. I emailed the Dr. of a "crappy uterus" theory to update him on the surgery results. I asked him if any changes in my supplement protocol are in order. He never emailed me back. I realize he is busy but I cannot help but think he is just not interested, not having received any support for his original theory. And this is so disappointing - two of my friends recommended him as the best doctor they'd ever had. Guess I wasn't so lucky. Again.
Meanwhile, I am slowly reintroducing some of the supplements back again. However, I am not that keen anymore. Yesterday, I took konjak root (fiber), and now I finally know which one of my medications gave me the horrible gassiness all the way. This is one supplement I do not really want to take anymore.
I also Googled "supplements to improve egg quality". Some of these sound downright nasty, so I have to think which ones I am willing to tolerate, especially since there is no medical professional to guide me through the process.

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